Fridge FAQs
My order didn’t vend!
Have no fear, we really are a ‘smart fridge”. Our Fridge is designed to pick up on a vend error and automatically void the charge. The pending charge on your bank statement will eventually disappear or adjust for the items that did vend. For most banks, this takes 3 - 5 business days. If you still see a charge after it settles, write to us here and a team member will be able to adjust your order.
I didn’t get everything in my order!
Our Fridge is designed to adjust your charge based on what made it into your hands! The pending charge on your bank statement will eventually disappear or adjust for the items that did vend. For most banks, this takes 3 - 5 business days. If you still see a charge after it settles, write to us here and a team member will be able to adjust your order.
My snack didn’t vend!
These tiny cups sometimes hang out in dark corners of the pickup area. Reach in and make sure it’s not hidden in there!
What happens to my coupon?
If you used a coupon for part or all of your order, please contact customer service to have your coupon reissued to your app!
I still need help!
Drop us a note here - or send us feedback via the app!